✨ The Design from Finland symbol is a sign of professional Finnish design ✨
Our products have the right to use the Design from Finland symbol. The Association for Finnish Work has awarded the Design from Finland symbol to the Tora & Friends product family of Kilatora Design, Finland, Salo-based company. The Design from Finland mark indicates that the product was designed in Finland.
The Association for Finnish Work Union's Design from Finland label can be awarded to a product, product group or service that strongly represents Finnish design expertise. The sign says that the company has invested in professional design and achieved business benefits through design. Products and services bearing the Design from Finland label are designed in Finland in a professional, responsible and user-oriented manner. Companies that have received the label communicate openly about the structure of their production chain and the country of manufacture.
We applied for the Design from Finland symbol because we feel it is important to support Finnish design. We also want to increase the appreciation of Finnish design and craftsmanship, especially among young people. Many people are surprised that we have also designed our own fabrics that we use in the manufacture of our products. The general impression is that the fabric was bought, like a normal consumer from a fabric store. As an artist, I feel it is important and in a way self-evident that I use my own creations and characters in my products. I wanted the Design from Finland label to help communicate this better to customers. At the same time, it also adds value to my products, together with the Key flag symbol. 💙
Our products are designed user-oriented and their design promotes responsibility
The Design from Finland symbol indicates that the product or service has been designed in Finland in a professional, responsible and user-oriented manner. The head office of the Design from Finland brand companies is located in Finland and they communicate openly about the structure of their production chain and the country of manufacture. www.designfromfinland.com
The main task of The Association for Finnish Work Union is to make sure that Finnish work and the good that comes from it is noticed. The association manages the Avainlippu, Design from Finland and Yhteiskunnallinen Yritys brands and acts as a voice promoting the expertise and positivity of domestic work. https://suomalainentyo.fi/en/
More information
Kianla Studio | Kirsi Launiainen